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Expedition to the Metaverse

Omnipresent Metaverse

Heather Kern

Is EVERYONE talking about the Metaverse and Ethereum all of a sudden? Granted I am getting an MBA right now at Montclair State University but was it always such a huge topic of conversation? If so I totally didn’t realize it. In my statistics class, out of the blue, the professor said, “Anyone into the Metaverse? Ethereum? NFTs? Block Chain? Smart contracts??” The coward that I can sometimes be, I didn’t raise my hand because he already calls on me too much for some reason and I didn’t want to explain that something turned on in my brain this week and suddenly I’m obsessed with all things crypto and ETH. So much to learn and I better get crackin’!

TIP: Great podcast, Bankless on Spotify

ALSO: FOX’s Lachlan likes NFTs